Daily health screening

We require you to fill out the below questionnaire to assist in determining your child’s fitness to attend school to provide a safe environment for fellow students, staff & parents. The information in this questionnaire is collected under the authority of FOIP section 33 (c) and will be used and disclosed solely for the purposes of determining fitness for school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire intends to identify new symptoms or worsening of symptoms that are related to COVID-19.

The mandatory isolation period for unvaccinated people who test positive (with or without symptoms) is:

  • Starting the first day of symptoms or positive test, isolate at home for 10 days or until symptoms resolve, whichever is longer.

If an unvaccinated person is a household contact of a positive case, they should:

  • stay home for 10 days (i.e. not attend school or other activities)

  • monitor for symptoms - if they develop, isolate immediately

Read more here.